For CSAT , the most important skillset that is tested ( directly or indirectly) is the speed and accuracy of mental aptitude. And the only way to assure that one attains such skilled is to practice. Practice from previous papers, practice from mock exams and quizzes either those published in the magazine or the mock papers of some of the coaching institutions. The preparation can also be made from some standard guide like General studies manual by TMH ( if they are already updated for CSAT )
Generally, CSAT poses an entirely different challenge for science (maths) and non - mathes students. This is where it gets really tricky, Some of those who are from math, say they have not even prepared for two days for CSAT ¡ they might be so true that the idea is itself impossible to think for non - math aspirants. So , we have to bear with this difference and plan accordingly, the priorities.
Preparing for Reading comprehensions - : The Reading Comprehension ( RCs) in CSAT are short / not very long in nature. Just glance the questions once before reading the passage.Time is not much of a constraint and it helps when one goes through the passage later. Most importantly, it’s always advisable to read varied topics. Which would get support from GS preparation. Reading any magazines (Frontline, Week and etc..) would help in the long term for For RC.
Anyone who has got time to spare, please pick up some novel ( some of which are mentioned in this document, elsewhere) You will find a huge difference after a span of time. This exercise would help immensely in the essays as well. Pick up some second hand material of Time/ CL or any GMAT series. Solving one or two RCs per day would be really helpful. A marked differences can be seen after 1-2 Months. It is sincerely suggested not to overload with the RCs / day one or two is always a good amount of practice.
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