Though the exam demands hard work from the aspirant, it should be " intelligent hard work ". though the current times , hard work seems to be not just sufficient. It has to be supported by good planning, a lot of selective reading and thorough feedback to yourselves about your preparation.
The most important aspect of the whole preparation is to plan it. without planning, how much ever you read, how much hard work you invest, they might not be directed towards the goal and it all ends up getting wasted. Most of the hard working people don't realize this and they fail in the attempts. Others can only see their hard work and feel things are unfair to them. It might not be so all the time!
Plan your preparation. you will always know the date of the examination well before you know how much time you have with you.
The following points should be kept in mind while doing preparation :
* The focus should be on gaining basic clarity in each topic, which will come only through lot of logical questioning.
* More time should be spent on thinking about the topic and making innovations, rather then on reading too many study material.
* The previous papers should be thoroughly analyzed to understand the expectations of the examiner.
* The preparation should be focused and all the hard work should be channelized in the right direction.
Discuss what you read with your friends or colleagues, you would be able to talk about a topic only when you understand it, and when discussion help in looking at different aspects of the same topic, poses new question to clarity upon.
One good way of revising is to solve question or practicing answer writing. It will recollect all that you read and also helps in organizing your ideas.
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