While picking up on newspapers and once getting comfortable, it is time to get into some more study. Any of the below mentioned sources can be taken up, depending on your access and taste ..
* Frontline, Down to Earth or any other similar magazine of your interest.
* Yojana and kurukshetra magazine
* NCERT Textbooks
* DD Basu's Introduction to the Constitution of India ( with a copy of the Constitution also along ).
* Subhash Kashyap's book on Parliament and Constitution
* India's struggle for Independence and India after Independence by Bipin chandra.
These are chosen so that, once gets perspective of the fundamentals of the country and the basic premises on the rest of your preparation can depend.
Some of our recommendation include the following.
* Books by Ramachandra Guha ( India after Gandhi, etc )
* Amartya sen's writings especially, " The Idea of Justice " , " Development as Freedom " and other books.
* Books by Shashi Tharoor ( Pax India etc. )
* India Unbound ( Gurucharan Das )
* " The Clash of Civilization and Remaking of the World Order" by Samuel P Huntington
*The wonder that was India by AL Basham
This is also the best time to improve and practice all those things which take a long time to get used to, such as,
* Improving handwriting
* Reading comprehension
* Communication skills
Once you are going along good, move ahead for the next steps, by making a plan for the rest of the preparation ..
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