Important points to remember:
* Good introduction and good conclusion are a must. introduction should guide the examiner to what you intent to convey in the subsequent paragraph. The conclusion should be appropriate to what you discussed and must be proactive, balanced and positive in approach.
* There should be flow / link between paragraphs.
* Clarity of expression is very important. Use simple English to express your points clearly. One need not use flowery language, the simple paper is not excepted to examination your talent about the topic. It is expected to examine your talent about the topic. It is expected to example your talent of essay writing, How you can present the ideas of the topic in to an essay.
* practice is essential for getting a good score.
* Main focus should be on giving a good analysis of the topic.
* Do not drive into areas, which are irrelevant to the topic, even though you know a lot about it
* Make sure that you have sufficient understanding and material to write, before choosing the topic.
Suggested reading for preparation:
* Yojna Issues
* Frontline ( especially the cover stories)
* The Hindu Sunday magazine
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