The essay paper in the civil service main examination, of course, like any other paper, is the crucial in determining the final outcome / selection and ranking. It is decisive because there is no Specializations in essay and so no aspirant can claim expertise, unlike the optional subject
There is no singular source from which one can prepare for the essay paper, nor there any syllabus. The expectation is more on how to present the ideas than the ideas per se. Both the above points pose a definite challenge. It is vital to understand that an essay is a reflection of one’s personality: idea, views, analysis, assessment and inference, values, attitude, aptitudes, Orientation and communication abilities, all the expected personality qualities that the selection looks for
Characteristics of a good essay :
* Unity - the subject must be clearly defined in the mind. Irrelevant points should not be written in the essay. At the same time, the subject might be treated in a variety of ways and from different points of view.
* order - the essay should follow a certain ordered line of thought and come to a definite conclusion. It should not consist of haphazard points. Every points should reflect on the subject in a direct sense
* Personal touch - an essay should reveal personal feelings and the opinions of the writer. It should have his individuality in it. So don’t be afraid to express your own views
* simple - the essay should be written in simple language.
* Direct and clear - the style of the essay should be simple, direct and clear.
* Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, as these mistakes will take a toll on your final marks.
Some pattern and root topics observed and suggested for preparation:
* women empowerment
* Environment, S&T , Energy Security, Sustainable development
* Democracy, Judiciary and related topics
* Education, Indian Culture ( including cinema)
* current events
The duration of the essay paper is thee hours and the word limit is not mentioned. Hence , it is up to the students to choose his word limit! It is generally said that 1500 - 2000 Words should make a good essay. One needs to judiciously divide the given three hours time in doing the following:
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